Friday, December 19, 2014

Getting More Facebook Likes In Using LinkedIn

Have you been looking to get visitors to "like" your page the hard way? Here's the method that you get it done the easy way. It's hard to think there are over three million active pages.  Facebook has generated a pool of prospects for your company that only gets bigger. Generating fan page likes is a lot easier than you think. To answer the question, "Getting more likes in," follow the following formula:

Getting more fan page likes is simple. The first step is discovering the right LinkedIn groups to join.

1. Create a LinkedIn account. Try to give the maximum amount of information as possible. The more complete the profile, the better.

2. Head to the group search bar at the very top right of the page to get highly targeted prospects to send to your fan page.

3. You will find great prospects in groups which can be named after famous public figures such as Angelina Jolie, almost any motivational speaker.

4. Find at the very least five groups that could relate to your company that you may be active in. You genuinely want to ensure that you are not coming off sales. Your goal is to exhibit yourself as a leader and answer questions. Additionally, you want to post interesting questions to strike curiosity about you that leads visitors to your LinkedIn profile.

Create a Like Exchange Within the Group                                                                  

When you have spent about three days to a week really being actively involved within your groups by sharing ideas and answering questions, now it's time to take charge and ask the million dollar question. You want to show that you will be a leader. You want to take up a great discussion which will generate a lot of comments that lead directly back once again to you.

Write this message in the discussion box. "Hello everyone, let's share likes and grow our business exposure." This technique is easy, yet powerful. After you type this in, leave your fan page url for people to see it and like it.

Here's what happens. Your prospects will go to your fan page, which hopefully has a huge amount of great content and value on it. Next, they will like your page and send you a personal message back letting you know that they have liked your page. Now it's your turn to like their page.

Start Prospecting

After you prefer their page, send them a personal message to begin the connection. Thank them for liking your page and let them realize that you anticipate getting to know them. I prefer to express something like this: "Just wanted to tell you that I've liked your fan page in return. I anticipate connecting with you. Incidentally, what would you do?"

This strategy is a great way to learn from other business owners about just how to attract new fans and have more likes via a community of sharing. Using this simple technique opens the doors to, one, a lot of traffic to your fan page; two, a lot of traffic to your website or blog and, three, higher conversions within your business. So it's time to access it. Raise your business and get facebook fans now!

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